Too long since my last post...but there are days I just can't seem to get to it!!
We finally got our new exercise machine, it vibrates you to good health. Claims to burn up to 350 calories in a 10 minute workout, we'll see. Both the Grandfathers have lymphodemia and it's supposed to help with that, be good for diabetes and circulation. All I know for sure is that it makes you tighten up all your muscles, so it can't hurt. The greatgrandfather has been using it 2 times a day but the grandfather says he's not getting on "that thing". Neither will the greatgrandmother. Mom's done it a few times and I'm trying to do 3 times a day.
I put together Halloween costumes for everyone, they looked so cute when they went to the party @ the senior center. The greatgrandfather didn't wear his because "his back hurt". I'll post their pictures when I pick up the film. I had to have 3 costumes, 2 for work and 1 for a party we went to. Lee and I decorated the front of the house and we had some trick or treaters, just enough to be fun, but not so many to be a pain. We had alot of candy left which dissapeared the next day. I'm guessing somebody has candy stashed in their rooms, not calling any names but mother found 2 stashes so far in Pop's drawers...LOL.
Mother and I went to Garden Ridge and bought a Christmas tree on sale. Got home with it and Mama wanted to know where we were going to put it. Told her and she said " that will look terrible" and she is "done with Christmas..blah, blah, blah". Mother asked her if she really needed to try and ruin it for everyone, reminded her she always had a tree when she was our age. Mama just walked out of the room. Something was mentioned @ dinner the next night about Christmas and I told them since I was sitting next to Scrouge I had no comment. She gave me that "Look" but no comment.
Took the greatgrandfather, Bob, to get his hearing aid @ the VA but having a hard time getting him to wear it. He came to the dinner table last night with no glasses, no hearing aid and his hair sticking straight up. He couldn't see, had to have everything repeated and when I mentioned his hair showed me how he had scratched his head which caused the hairdo. I ended up laughing so hard I almost spewed Frito's all over the table. Mama didn't think it was funny @ all.
She was already in a bad mood. Mother and I had gone grocery shopping without her and stayed gone "too long". When Mama is unhappy lookout. Made it up today and took her to Tom Thumb, just her and me so she could pick out some things "she would like" Commented the other day she "wished she could decide what she was going to eat sometimes". The next night I made Chili dogs and about the time they were ready I asked her if she was eating what we were having or "going to make herself something she liked". Mama huffed up and said "she certainly wasn't eating a chili dog"!! So she had a hot dog instead.....thank god she saved the calories from the chili. On our outing today I asked her about her bad mood yesterday and she said she had gotten depressed because she was bored. Bored = bitch... yeah!!
Pop's health seems to be worse by the day. I really think alot of is caused by depression. He isn't interested in doing anything and spends way too much time just looking out the window or looking for mom. He is now getting physical therapy 2 times a week but gets mad @ mom when she encourages him to do his exercise the rest of the week. His dementia causes him to snap off at her and she just doesn't know how to handle it. Wish we could find them some kind of support group but everything is in Dallas so no help yet.
No matter what happens though I am still glad we're all together. I love my grands and an thankful every day for my husband and his support and help with them. He's "the man"!!
Tonights date night, not sure what's in store, but I'm ready to go so more later.