Monday night is date night for Lee and myself. A few weeks ago we were able to meet our son Chris, his wife Kelli and their 2 sons Jordan and Jax for dinner. I had a really good time, enjoyed spending time with them and realized that there is another element to Life with the Grands that I still hadn't mentioned.....Grand children. Oops!!
We are a family with five generations. I have teased our friends that we are like a hand. Little finger: grandchildren, ring finger: children, index finger: parents, thumb: grandparents....which of course leaves us as the middle finger....and everyone knows it's significance!!LOL
Unfortunately working @ a night club has been a hindrance in being the type of grandparent I would like to be. The little monsters get up about 2 hours after I go to bed so timing has always been a problem. Hopefully time will rectify this situation and someday I'll be less of a disappointment as a grandmother. Being that middle finger is a giant guilt trip, because I can never seem to give the rest of the fingers enough of what they need or would like to expect of me....
Back to our dinner though. Jordan is autistic. He was gifted to parents that have been phenomenal with him. He is so happy, fun and loving. Unless he's having a rough time, he has a big smile on his face and you can see the joy of life in his eyes. Jax was just added to our family this year and he's a rolly-polly little boy with a big old smile who looks just like the Ratt he is, poor little fella..LOL.
We have 8 grandchildren so far...Sarah...and they are all extremely cute. Some are brats, like their parents. Some are smart, like me. Some have talent, like their Papa Ratt...but most importantly all of them are loved!!!
The bad news today is that Pop Gilbert is in the hospital. His heart is operating @ 25% capacity. He is retaining fluid around his heart and lungs. Don't know how much you know about dementia, but an illness is even more difficult with this condition. Pop is having a really hard time being out of his element with people prodding and poking him. Hopefully by Monday we'll know final test results, but so far it seems he needs open heart surgery to repair a heart valve. The Doctors seem concerned that surgery might be more than he can handle, so keep him in your prayers please.
We were blessed to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with 37 family members @ our youngest daughter Sarah and her husband Richard's home. Still have turkey in the freezer, and still eating stuffing, my Mom makes the best!!!
Had a little conflict over the Christmas tree. The Great, Mama, said she was "over" having a tree. She said it so many times Mom finally pointed out she always had one when she was my age and mom's age and asked her if "she really felt the need to ruin it for everyone". She puffed up for 2 days. Then after I shopped 3 stores and gathered up lights and everything to decorate outside and talked my brother Dan into helping me put them up, she remarked that "Dan had done the outside of the house and that he did a really good job, and that's what you were supposed to do for Christmas so everyone could see your decorations" OOOHHH....I'm still smiling even though between doing the inside and outside I could hardly move for 2 days!!
I can't sign off tonight without mentioning my husband Lee. Our family is so blessed to have Lee be a part of it. He is more than a son in law to the parents and grandparents, and a super grandfather to all the little fingers. Lee loves us like he was born to us and is there to support when we need picked up. He works hard to keep our home comfortable for everyone and for some reason "loves me like crazy".
I love you Lee, your my backbone, and I couldn't do this crazy life without you....