4 generations of women

4 generations of women

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy Grand Hump Day

It's Wednesday again, Bingo day for the Grands and delivery day for me at the club. Also hoped for a big day for the Texas Rangers..oh well, tomorrow is another day on that front. Got home and although the Grand father loves sports he hadn't realized the big game was on and then couldn't find the right channel on TV. Got him settled in  for some baseball action, found out the Grand mothers had gone shopping and headed to the kitchen to start dinner. The hardest part about cooking dinner for the family is deciding what to cook.

Decided on beef fajitas and got busy. Mom got home and pitched in setting the table after she and Mama showed off their purchases. Had to show everyone how to make a fajita. Offered Mama a flour tortilla and she replied "I guess I'll try to eat one"! Rolled them up and went to town, everyone seemed to enjoy their dinner and of course we had to have dessert. All 4 Grands are diabetics, but require dessert after both lunch and dinner. Sat and talked awhile over sock it to me cake and then the real fun began.

Cleaned up the kitchen and then began preparations for the Red Hats luncheon @ our home tomorrow beginning at 11:30. I fear I'll never get 8 hours sleep again. Dusted and ran the vacuum while mom worked on her new treat for lunch. A slice of thin ham spread with soft cheese then rolled around a long pretzel, which is really weird. However Mama's dish for tomorrows lunch is sauerkraut salad so just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder it did!!

I will be like the kid at lunch, but they are a great group of little old ladies who seem to like me even if I do run a bar (and smoke). I don't smoke around the Mama though. I told her I would quit if she would move here from Amarillo and I haven't done it yet...don't think I can as long as I work @ the club. 56 years old and hiding the fact that I smoke from my Mama, how embarrassing is that?

Everyone except Lee and I finally hit the hay about 10:30, so I finished up my chores and waited on him to finish his. Lee gave up his music room at our old house and has been very patient with all the remodeling and projects that came 1st. Finally this week the work changing the 2 car garage into his music studio has gotten to the point he started unpacking and arranging his things...4 months since the move mind you.

How many husbands would sacrifice the peace and tranquility of all the kids finally leaving home to move in his wife's parents and grand parents, not many I reckon....I am a very lucky woman. In addition to having all the Grand parents I also have a Grand husband, Lee you are the bestest!! He actually went on line and looked up senior citizens jokes to tell them at dinner tonight, had them all rolling on the floor...not really but they did love the jokes and it would have taken forever to get them all up if they had..

When he finally came in from his studio we watched Survivor. I wanted to be on that show a few years back, but realize now I'm just not up to it. It's 3:30 am and I've been out on the patio having my bed time smoke. Guess I better get in and go to bed so I'll be up and at'em for Red Hats tomorrow. We're going to play a game called LRC, checked it out last night and it is fun. Very little thought required, just what I need.

Say a little prayer for our Grand family and sweet dreams to yours!!

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